Friday 5 September 2008

No Wonder ...

… Bread.
A pic I took one sunny day in August. Terra Breads is one of the artisan bread bakers in town. I don't really know what 'artisan bread' means. I think it means I could actually pronounce pronounce all the ingredients that go into it. 

Terra bakes and sells all their goodies here in the industrial district south of False Creek. They have two other shops. The bread is sold in groceries all over town. 

I'm off galavanting. I've pre-scheduled posts until 9/15 for consistency but I'll be reading comments while I'm away. 


Laurie Allee said...

Have a lovely time galavanting! This looks like a yummy spot. Back when I actually baked, I called any loaf that I messed up "artisan bread." :-)

angela said...

Lucky you. I could do with a break.
I like real bread, can't stand the supermarket stuff.

Anonymous said...

I love the colours.

I think of "artisan bread" as a more glamorous way of saying "bread with bits in it"! (seeds, olives, sundried tomatoes, etc etc).