Monday, 29 September 2008

Don't Freak Out

How many spilled their coffee?

Ken Clarke has installed these grotesques above his studio near the north end of Main St. There are 6 or 8 of them.

I think they are great.


Stefan Jansson said...

Very scary :-)

Kim said...

Good grief, Wayne! I TOLD you to never take my photo before my morning coffee!!! ;^)

I love this shot! And thanks for showing us a few more of these. Very talented and clever artist.
Happy Monday, you LUCKY CANADIAN, you!

Bob Crowe said...

Wow, I didn't think Canadians ever got that upset. Here, sure, all the time.

USelaine said...

Yes, they are a bit out of sync with the Canadian calm equilibrium we know so well. Perhaps they are like the portrait of Dorian Grey, and all the hidden national angst transfers to these gargoyles instead...

USelaine said...

And yes, I see the resemblance between my avatar and that last face on the right.

Virginia said...

Well a bad hair day isn't THAT bad. Geez.
Wayne, only you would find these. It looks like a line up of all the blind dates I've had over the years!

Anonymous said...

I really like these! What a great find.

Virginia you made me laugh out loud just then!

Ken said...

I like them. Could they possible be portraits of some of our politicians?

Unfortunately that is not my house, it is currently occupied by a real estate company.

Christopher said...


Copenhagen said...

I think they're great too.

angela said...

These are absolutely superb..I think I'd love to meet the artist.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Have you been to my island? That is aringer for most residents, especailly when I've got the camera out.

Unknown said...

Also find those grotesque faces very cool. I specially like the 1st one.

Barbara Rahal said...

ohh wow this are awesome catch Wayne...I havent seen those yet, nice one!!!

• Eliane • said...

Aha!! This made me laugh. :D
Love it! The perfect pick for a monday morning.