Monday, 15 September 2008

BC Childrens'

A mural along the main entrance to BC Children's Hospital.

I should have found out more about this but didn't think of it at the time I shot it and the last time I was by there I didn't remember.

I'm off galavanting. I've pre-scheduled posts until 9/15 for consistency but I'll be reading comments while I'm away. 


Laurie Allee said...

I love the color and the composition here. But I'm sure the artist is weeping now to have been so carelessly forgotten in this post...


Cool shot, Wayne!

Pat said...

I've only been to Vancouver once, but really liked the city. Since my daughter is in Seattle and I will visit again one of these days, maybe we'll pop up!

I enjoy browsing your photos.

Mo said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

Good example of when an image should be colour. Strong, bold and eyepopping.

Copenhagen said...

Did you enjoy your stay in MTL?

Wayne said...

My favourite cities in Canada are Ottawa and Montreal. I was only in town a couple of days this trip but I had a nice time.

angela said...

I love those bright, vibrant colours and the way they stand out...perfect for a children's hospital.

mh said...

This mural was hand painted by Vancouver based artist ZBIGNIEW KUPCZYNSKI on ceramic tiles using ceramic colours. Tiles were then fired by Interstyle Ceramic & Glass in Burnaby. This work is from 1984 or 1985.