Tuesday 26 August 2008

Cast in cement

Vancouver is getting it's third rapid transit line. The Canada Line is controversial for a few reasons, one being the disruption to businesses along the line during construction. 

The worst affected area seemed to be Cambie Village. I'm not sure if this 'village' idea is a recent trend. If you had asked me, even 5 years ago, where Cambie Village was I couldn't have told you.

Construction on this section of Cambie St. from 12th Ave. to King Edward Ave. is largely complete now. New sidewalks, lamp posts and such are in place. One particularly creative touch are these stainless steel inlays in the new sidewalks around 18th Ave. 

The film reel is a nod to the Park Theatre which has been a landmark here since 1941. 

I took several shots and chose this one because of the way the sunlight caught it on a bright afternoon in the shade. There are also inlays of a place setting, knife, forks and spoon beside a bowl on a plate. There are a number of eateries in the area, although the most popular one packed up and headed across town after the construction began. 


Meg said...

Is this a wall or a ceiling, and not the footpath? I'm feeling a little disoriented. Lovely pic, though. I like the composition.

Wayne said...

You are absolutely right Meg, it is disorienting. I wouldn't have a clue what I was looking at if I hadn't taken the picture.
It's in the sidewalk (footpath). In the photo it almost looks like it's vertical.
More credit to the artist. These look different depending on the angle of the sunlight. It looks like that was achieved through the clever use of a grinding wheel on the metal.
I'm going to put a more typical view in the Picasa album which may help. Click on the knives and forks link for other shots.

Lynette said...

I like this idea a lot. And your photos are splendid.

Thank you for your visit and comment just now. I loved it! And thanks so much for telling me what those rusty things are. You should have heard them being pounded into the ground. Now I know why they call it a pile driver. I'll bet they're at least 40 feet tall. I'm over there most lunch hours, and I'm going to ask one of those construction workers, eventually.

Unknown said...

Progress is disruptive. Although, I have enjoyed transit lines in other cities I have visited. They talked about a light rail line here in New Orleans from downtown to the airport. Frankly, I don't know why they have started building it. It is desperately needed.

Sharon said...

I love these inlays. What a great idea. Phoenix is also in the throws of light rail construction, our first. It's set to open in late December, but we've had the same complaints about construction and traffic. I actually live very close and I've found only minor disruptions. I'm going to post some pictures about light rail sometime next month.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I like you nod to the past. Very creative. Progress is mainly regressive I usually find around most cities and towns. Always hate to see a cimema go.