Thursday, 14 August 2008

96 and going strong

Named after the family that built them, the five Shirley houses are situated just off Main St. on 27th Ave. The houses were renovated a few years ago and the project has earned heritage designation. I realize the age of these homes is a bit of a joke to those living in the UK, Europe and even the east coast of Canada and the US but for Vancouver, this is old.

It isn't common in Vancouver to see houses with virtually no setback but with density becoming an important consideration I'd like to see functional, sustainable homes built on smaller lots. It seems we've got our priorities all muddled since 1912.


Lori said...

Those are beautiful homes with a lot of character to them. The porches are so charming!

Sharon said...

Those are great houses and I share your comment about the age of them being a joke to Europeans. I always think of that when I post a "historic" picture from Phoenix. Our historic is lots younger than their historic.

Meg said...

They are beautiful homes!

Dina said...

these are beautiful looking houses. I love houses with Character and here on our Island you find lots of them, which are now being restored to their former glories.

Hilda said...

Those are charming houses!

Metro Manila's so dense, most lots are already quite small. Even then, they're usually too expensive for most Filipinos so low-cost housing developments have sprung up in all of the nearby provinces.

Laurie Allee said...

These are so charming. I love the shot.

It's funny how we classify "old" things in these parts. I had a friend visit from England years ago and she laughed when I described my 1920s Hollywood apartment as old and historic. SHe lived in a place that was built in the late 1700s. Ah, perspective.