Thursday, 13 August 2015

Urban Wildlife

Urban Coyote
I've posted a shot of this coyote (or his/her mate) before.
I'm in the cemetery all the time but I don't see the coyotes very often and I don't go looking for them.
On this day a siren raced by and the two coyotes raised an unholy racket.


Taken For Granted said...

Coyotes are around here also, but are almost never seen and don't live in town. They are most elusive so you were lucky to get any photo. Perhaps they recognize you and are not threatened.

RedPat said...

They seem to hang about a lot here right in the city now - down in the ravines. You keep hearing stories of cats and small dogs disappearing!

Stephanie said...

Used to see them quite a bit in Vancouver, even in Kerrisdale, right outside my apartment building where we used to live.