Saturday, 9 May 2015

Don't ...

Canada Line
… try this at home kids.
Killing time waiting for a train I took a picture of the Canada Line tunnel.
You really shouldn't be able to get a sharp(ish) image at 1/40th sec. with a 70-200mm lens.
Whatever shake there is isn't obvious online.


Stephanie said...

My goodness, how did you get down there to take this fabulous shot! Or did you?

Wayne said...

No mystery Stephanie. I walked to the end of the platform.

Bob Crowe said...

An awful lot cleaner than New York's, but then maybe a century newer.

Wayne said...

Yep, about 100 years Bob. But it still doesn't hold a candle to the MTA or just about any subway system I can think of, except maybe Glasgow. :-)