Sunday, 13 July 2014


Sunday Feature ~ Another Place, Another Time
An early morning shot of the other famous Venice.
This is scanned from a colour neg. The colours are obviously not true to life, 
It's not possible for me to say how much of the saturation is scanning and how much is the Kodak film.
Anyway I like it, largely for the composition.

Venice Beach, circa 1994h

NB, I liked the look of this on my desktop, it's a lot more jarring on my laptop but it's too late at night to fiddle with it.
Your results will vary.


Stephanie said...

I like it. The composition is greatI that tree is something else.

TheChieftess said...

The colors are cool too...very vintage in a miami vice sort of way!!!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

it's where I fell in love with my partner 28 years ago