Sunday, 20 July 2014

Venice No. 2

Sunday Feature ~ Another Place, Another Time
A slightly less saturated (hard to believe) shot taken on the same morning as last Sunday's shot.
I'm not really getting the hang of scanning colour film. I find scanning slides much easier.

Venice, circa 1995


Stefan Jansson said...

It is a nicely composed photo. Nice summer feel to it with the waves coming in.

Stephanie said...

Nice image!

Taken For Granted said...

Looks like the color film has deteriorated with a shift toward green. Some of this shift might be balanced in Photoshop, or another digital image program. Like the composition of this photo no matter when it was shot.

Bob Crowe said...

Heavy on the green, isn't it? Does the original print look that way?

Wayne said...

The original print is probably around here somewhere but it would be a major project to find it. I'm not good with colour negs so the actual colours are just a guess. These aren't true colours but I've spent quite some time fiddling with it in LR and this is the result for better or worse. :-)

I'll try scanning a few more negs but I'm not optimistic about the results. :-)

Thanks for the comments.

TheChieftess said...

Love it!!! Film and pics all age...
I can so relate...