Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Straighten Out

It's harder than you'd think to get lines like these square in the frame.
Or, more accurately, it's harder for me.
Even after I've tried to do it in camera I end up tweaking things in Lightroom.


TheChieftess said...

My horizon lines always dip in the same direction...and I really do try to line up the horizon as I shoot!!! Interesting shot!!!

Bob Crowe said...

It's really hard, and the lens itself can cause barrel distortion if you are too close or have too short a focal length. You did a great job here.

Wayne said...

Bob, LR does a pretty good job of correcting for my lenses but something like this still needs finicking. :-)

Stephanie said...

Great photo!

Lynne with an e said...

It's okay to keep your dark(room)little secrets to yourself.