Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Timing Is Everything ...

... particularly if you're walking large pieces of art around the 'windy city'.

That's it for posts from Chicago, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Taken For Granted said...

Wayne, I am greatly enjoying your Chicago photos. It's my old home town. You have a shot of a 151 Sheridan bus stop, and that was the bus I used to commute to work. Ah, great memories or a time long past,

Taken For Granted said...

By the way, the "windy" part of the windy city was not a reference to the weather, but to the hot air of local politicians.

Stephanie said...

I am curious what lays beneath the paper.

Wayne said...

Stephanie, aren't we all. :-)

TFG, I'm glad you enjoyed a stroll down memory lane. Chicago is a really cool city. Maybe not so much in the middle of winter. :-)

Thanks for the comments.

TheChieftess said...

I have yet to get to Chicago...some day!!!