Tuesday 4 March 2014

Who Wouldn't ...

... photograph a freshly painted fire hydrant if they spotted one?
And then blog about it.


Stefan Jansson said...

I would like to, but our fire hydrant are very un-photogenic.

Revrunner said...

We're having difficulty just finding our fire hydrants under all the snow we've been getting. Maybe when spring finally arrives . . .

Taken For Granted said...

Lovely hydrant photos, all three of them. Is red the standard color in Vancouver?

Wayne said...

In Vancouver hydrants are red but some are painted a different colour on the top. I have no idea what that might designate.

There are blue hydrants which are connected to a separate system recently installed for use in the event of an earthquake. I'm not certain but I think that system probably pumps water out of False Creek or the ocean.

hamilton said...

This one is certainly noticiable. and tall! I find it interesting to see the variations in design from one city to another.