Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Kingsway ...

... runs from Mount Pleasant in Vancouver to New Westminster, about 9 miles.
At one time it was a 'main drag' and especially well known for used car lots and motels.
There's not a heck of a lot to lure me there now.
But walking along some sections is a bit like visiting another city.


Bob Crowe said...

Visit all of your favorite franchises. I do notice one of Vancouver's Prius taxis. It's the first place we ever saw and rode them. We were impressed.

Wayne said...

Not all taxis are Priuses (or as Toyota decrees, Prii) but I'd guess the majority are.

Thanks Bob

Stephanie said...

Love your new banner shot! Nice view of the North Shore mountains.

Taken For Granted said...

Love the way you put together the Days Inn and McD signs. They go together so well here they look like one sign at first glance. Your new banner photo is fine, but I miss the previous one.