Tuesday 10 December 2013

Old Neon

Magee Grocery
My family didn't have much occasion to travel to the west side when we were kids.
But it feels like the Magee Grocery sign has been over there for as long as I can remember.


cj goad ~ photography said...

Thanks Wayne. You've done it again for me.That store was there when I went to Athlone Private School just south of that corner. This was back in '59-'60 so the school is long gone now. The train to Marpole used to go by there every day. I think I might have a slight memory of the Marpole trams on that line in the 50's.

Mo said...

I love neon, old and new.

Stephanie said...

I used to live down the street from Magee grocery store. Thanks for posting the lovely sign.

RedPat said...

Fabulous old sign, Wayne!

hamilton said...

Great sign. And it hasn't weathered badly, either!

TheChieftess said...

cool sign!!!