Sunday, 8 December 2013

Morning Mist

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time
I'm 'fairly' sure this is somewhere in Nova Scotia and probably very close to Hwy 1.
That's as precise as I can be after 35 years or so.


cath carbone said...

Have a nice day ! Cath.

Andy said...

Your photos have held up well over the years.

Revrunner said...

Just imagine this as a 5000-piece puzzle.

Stephanie said...

Yes, your photos lasted this long, and it is a gorgeous piece.

Taken For Granted said...

I've got a truck full of 40 year old slides, and the color has shifted quite badly in them. Yours looks good, or did you have to rebalance the color?

Wayne said...

I'm not especially adept at scanning but I'm slowly learning some of the tricks. This was a Kodachrome slide (not all my slides are Kodachrome) and this one, like lots of them, still had vivid colours. In some instances I'd say the scans don't do justice to the slides. In other cases there is colour fading and a bit of tweaking can improve that. Don't ask me how, I just fiddle around and sometimes it works out. :-)

Thanks for the comments.

TheChieftess said...


Are you scanning photos or slides for your old shots???

Wayne said...

Kathy, up until now I've been scanning slides. If I'm going to continue this 'old stuff' I'll have to start scanning colour negs. A different kettle of fish altogether. We'll see if I'm up to it. :-)