Monday 21 October 2013

Main Rooms

Main Rooms, RainIt's been five years since this blog began.
It's precisely the sort of time-waster the internet was invented for.
I may have used this picture before but I don't think so.
If it's a re-run maybe no one else will remember it either. 


Andy said...

I don't consider your blog a time waster. I enjoy your outlook on life through your camera lens. PS: Just a warning... most people don't give a poop about my opinion. :)

Kate said...

Congratulations! 5 years is dedication and it's a wonderful "time-waster."

Unknown said...


Congrats on 5 years of life behind a camera.

BUT, the questions is: " why were you in that area so late . . . "

perhaps you have photos taken on "THE INSIDE" of Main Rooms

Riding the Wet Coast

Mystic Meandering said...

Blogging can be time *consuming* for sure - but creativity/"art" in all its forms (including photography) is never a "waste of time", especially if it touches people. I enjoy visiting here and seeing your explorations of life through your photography. It offers me something I can't explain. From what I can tell what you do uplifts your readers in some way. That is never a waste of time. And I thank you for sharing what gives you joy :)

TheChieftess said...

You always manage to make me laugh Wayne!!! Waste away!!! And just remember...those of us who read your blog are wasting time right along with you!!!

RedPat said...

% years of fun, I bet! Congrats, Wayne.

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the five years and it is worth the visit daily to see your work.

Taken For Granted said...

Let me add my congratulations for your five year anniversary as a blogger. Time waster? Perhaps, but not your blog. There is always something fresh, artistic, or insightful on your blog. That's why I visit regularly even if I don't clutter up your blog with comments. Your photo today is a wonderful example. It is great work.