Friday, 30 August 2013

A New Wrinkle

It's been on my mind for a while, if not necessarily always in my budget, to buy a macro lens.
I've got one now so stay tuned for close-ups of practically everything.
Now..., where are all the bugs you when you want them?

I entered some images in an online competition. There's a sucker born every minute.
If you're curious to see them they're here


cj goad ~ photography said...

Is that a Nikon 105 VR Macro?

Andy said...

I'm excited Wayne. With you photo skills I know you will be posting interesting macro photos.

Revrunner said...

Ah, man! Now I want one. :-)

Wayne said...

cj, yes, it's the 105

thanks for the comments

Stephanie said...

Looking forward to seeing more of your macros. I have one. Though I haven't used quite as much since I got my new camera. Great shot by the way.

-K- said...

Nicely done!

cj goad ~ photography said...

The 105 is a great lens. I had one for awhile but then the 85 1.8g caught my eye and it suited me better so the 105 went back. I sometimes wish the 85 had the VR but it's sharpness is outstanding. That was nice work you submitted.

TheChieftess said...

LOVE this one Wayne!!! Love the composition, the muted colors, the negative space...
I love my 105mm... And taking macros is really fun...though I'm not so hot on bugs!!!

Wayne said...

I thought macro lenses were invented for bugs Kathy :-)