Monday 17 June 2013

Marathon Man

Occasionally I plop myself down beside NW Marine Dr. to photograph the cyclists training up and down the steep hill.
On Saturday I saw this chap running up the hill, twice. And he was moving.
When he ran past me the second time the cyclists were complaining.
He was passing them. 


Revrunner said...

Yeah, and laughing all the way it looks like. :-)

Andy said...

Nice to see a runner raising the bar for cyclists.

RedPat said...


Stephanie said...

Cool socks and sunglasses!

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha ha, I would never let a runner run past me on the bike. This guy sure looks happy. Print the top snap and give it to him the next time you see him.

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! Good for him!!!

Virginia said...

Vancouver Rouge. Love this guy!