Friday, 14 June 2013


 I took this back on the Easter weekend.
It surprised me to see kids splashing about in the fountains at the end of March.


Revrunner said...

Reminds me of the saying, "And a good time was enjoyed by everyone."

Andy said...

Another happy kid is a good sight to see. Nice capture Wayne.

Stephanie said...

Great shot!

Anonymous said...

I think it's at least one step beyond glee.

Wayne said...

You could be right KB, I'm personally not really conversant with the various degrees of happiness. Grouchiness I know front to back. :-)

TheChieftess said...

I love this shot!!! And I think Hiker's right!!!

hamilton said...

I miss such unbridled joy.

Virginia said...

I wish I'd shot this one W. It's perfect.