Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Touch Up
It's cruise ship season in Vancouver once again.
I can't comment on conditions onboard but they're fairly fastidious about maintaining the hull of the Disney Wonder.


s.c said...

Great shot Wayne. Especial by the black background what let the orange jumps of the photo. Like it.

Andy said...

It's a hull of job but someone has to do it.

TheChieftess said...

Our first cruise was from Vancouver to Anchorage...Went up a couple of days early....not nearly enough time to spend in Vancouver!!! Next time...

Stephanie said...

Guess the cruise ships want to look their best wherever they go.

Lynne with an e said...

One man and a small roller? For the whole boat? It's going to be a short cruise season this year!

Wayne said...

I was surprised at how particular they were being. I couldn't tell what they were trying to touch up, whatever it was it looked pretty minor.

Thanks for the comments.