Monday, 27 May 2013


As seen in the current banner, it seems to be prime time for the laburnum at Van Dusen Gardens.


Stefan Jansson said...

I like both photos. Spring and early Summer colors are the best.

Revrunner said...


RedPat said...

Wow - beautiful!

hamilton said...

Thanks for identifying this :)
It is indeed beautiful!

Lynne with an e said...

Really lovely. Here, the lilacs are just coming out and the apple trees blossoming.

Stephanie said...


Wayne said...

Thanks for all the kind comments

TheChieftess said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! And a nice photo too Wayne!!! I've never seen these flowers...really stunning. The Eastern Sierras are gorgeous at any time of year...but not much in the way of spring floral displays...two years ago we had a great spring showing, according to the locals...but it never compared to anything like this!!!

Wayne said...

Kathy, Van Dusen is a bit of a 'one off'. I'm not sure I've seen laburnum anywhere but there.

Gunn said...

Wow. That is soooo pretty!