Saturday 25 May 2013

Pink Balloons

Martin Creed, Work No. 329
I took this a couple of years ago, it's part of an exhibition of works by Martin Creed. 
It was just another image in my flickr pool.
I didn't give it any thought until it started getting lots of views in March.
Someone had posted it on a tumblr blog and in 4 or 5 days it had 3.000 views.
It's had over 15,000 views by now.
Now, if I had a nickel for every view ...

No. 329 by Martin Creed


s.c said...
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s.c said...
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s.c said...
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s.c said...

But nice it is and also a bit mysterious.

TheChieftess said...

Sounds like one you should submit for stock photos!!!

Stephanie said...

It is a winner!

Gunn said...

I agree with The Chieftess.