Friday, 24 May 2013


I spotted this old lock on a rail switch.
It's replaced with a newer lock but it's been left there anyway.
Railroaders are a sentimental lot.

*Canadian Pacific Railway


s.c said...

Nice colors here. I would have loved it when you had a little more depth in sharpness . Still nice macro.

RedPat said...

Good catch!

TheChieftess said...

Nice shot!!!

Barbara/myth maker said...

Great macro, love the rust. Yes, the railroads of old are being replaced.

Taken For Granted said...

When I saw your title I was thinking about cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, not the CP Railroad. Love the photo.

hamilton said...

Either that, or the key is lost, and there is too much paperwork to file it off. Or am I more cynical than romantic?

hamilton said...

'sentimental' I meant.

Stephanie said...

Wonderful capture, Wayne. Would love to do a HDR effect on this one.

Bob Crowe said...

Made me thing of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation but your explanation reminds me of my worst night in Canada - my wife, kids and I were staying at The Empress in Victoria during some big CPR meeting. Our room was next to a party suite full of drunken railroaders who were not in a hurry to get to bed. The rest of the trip was great.

Wayne said...

Bob, on behalf of the whole country please accept my apologies. We've spoken to CPR and it won't happen again. :-)

Thanks for the comments