Thursday, 11 April 2013

Religious Iconography

Main Street Buddha
The scene could be somewhere in Asia I suppose, but it's on Main Street.
And not the Chinatown part of Main Street either.


s.c said...

Great closeup Wayne. I only wonder if the splitting in half is the best for the composition.

Andy said...

Nice photo. Actual this scene repeats itself across Canada.

Revrunner said...

Wonderful image. And great you didn't have to travel half way around the world to get it!

Stephanie said...

Love this close up with the colors and textures.

Taken For Granted said...

Love your framing and background in this shot. Fine.

Mystic Meandering said...

Beautiful! I love the contrast and the serenity... This is a wonderful contemplative piece!

Unknown said...


is this inside the foyer of Sun Sui Wah near Main and 24th ?

Riding the Wet Coast

RedPat said...

Cool shot Andy!

Wayne said...

Bob, it's somewhere in that general area (east side) but I wasn't inside the store. There was a lot of stuff on the sidewalk that day.

Thanks for the comments.

Bob Crowe said...

Wonderful picture. The Buddha's blue-green serenity protects us from some of the passionate background. If desire causes suffering, where does camera lust get you?

Wayne said...

Got your eye on a new camera body Bob? :-)

TheChieftess said...

Fabulous pic Wayne!!! I love how Bob described the balance of the Buddha with the background...although is that really a Buddha??? I'm thinking a feminine sculpture....either way, the balance is superb! Very artistic!!!

Wayne said...

I wondered about the Buddha thing too Kathy. I decided I wouldn't use the term because I couldn't be 100% sure. But I think mots people would think it's a Buddha even if it's not.

Stefan Jansson said...

Interesting composition here.