Saturday, 6 April 2013

House Of Mirrors

House Of Mirrors
The Bay downtown (Hudson's Bay Co.) got a major overhaul recently.
The lower main floor is like a carnival House of Mirrors.
Except that the Bay doesn't have the mirrors that make you look fat.


Andy said...

Wayne, you got my attention with this shot.

Kate said...

This is quite a shoe display. Better behave or you might get the boot!

Lynne with an e said...

They can also have the effect of making your wallet look a lot slimmer.

TheChieftess said...

Interesting mall makeover! Looks good...but I don't think I'd like seeing myself everywhere I look when I'm shopping!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I like the photo. The shop isn't ideal for earthquake country, though!

Wayne said...

This store didn't change drastically since I first went there as a kid. The recent flurry to jazz up the place has everything to do with Nordstrom moving in across the street next year.

B.C. has been waiting for 'the big one' all my life Petrea. In the last couple of decades seismic codes have become pretty rigorous. I didn't look closely but I suspect the stuff on the ceiling isn't glass but some sort of reflective film.

Thanks for the comments.

Stephanie said...

This is so cool! I hope I have time to visit the store when I get to Vancouver.

hamilton said...

cool shot, but I think I would run screaming from the confusion in my brain on entering this area!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Spectacular reflections!

Virginia said...

The whole place makes me dizzy, but I love the cool pink chairs!