Monday, 8 April 2013


Shopping for fabric bargains at Dressew.


Stefan Jansson said...

Nice hat.

s.c said...

Favorite pastime for a lot of people.

Andy said...

Wayne I never know where you are are going to end up next. I'm glad you went to the fabric store because you ended up with great photo with neat colours and person that looks like they have lots of character.

Taken For Granted said...

One never knows what wonderful thing one might find in a sale bin. Great photo of an interesting person.

Lynne with an e said...

So glad to see that Dressew is still alive and well! I love that place. What were you doing in there? Stalking the deer stalker?

Stephanie said...

That place still exist?

hamilton said...

not your usual shopping gear, I presume?!

Kate said...

Some people sure do have a good time poking around bargain tables!