Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Zig Zag
All the zig-zags caught my eye.
I don't miss much. 
As long as it's staring me in the face.


Revrunner said...

I'm also impressed by just how much she is able to carry and still be able to talk on her phone.

Stefan Jansson said...

That is a lot of color.

Andy said...

She's like a parade coming down the street. You can help but notice her.

s.c said...

Nice one Wayne.

Stephanie said...

Love the zigzags!

Marleen said...

Nice capture.

Beth said...

Great picture!

Gunn said...

Lady X must be a colorful soul!

Yes, it is a happy image!

CaT said...

but then the flowerbag really does not match!!