Saturday, 23 March 2013

Tike Trike

Classic Trike
This one's a classic.
I don't know how old it is but it looks pretty much like the trikes we rode when I was a kid.


Stefan Jansson said...

I had one of these, We call them Trehjulingar. Mine was also red.

Andy said...

If it's made out of metal rather plastic... it is definitely from our generation.

s.c said...

Ha the symbol of William Eggleston. Nice shot on memory lane.

TheChieftess said...

When my middle granddaughter was old enough to ride a tricycle, I bought her a little red trike, and it had to be made of metal!!! Love this shot Wayne!!! Love the little spots of rust...

Stephanie said...

Great composition.

Bob Crowe said...

But it's the water droplets on the handle and the mulch it's sinking into that make the picture.

BTW, about your weatherman comment - we were concerned about just that. More when those pix find their way onto the blog.