Thursday, 7 March 2013

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch
In most aspects of my life I make it a matter of principle not to run with the pack.
I feel particularly strongly about this when it comes to photographing cats (and babies).
But I make the rules around here and I can break them.


Andy said...

Your photo gave me an instant smile. Thank you.

Mystic Meandering said...

I have been perusing your blog for a while now and love your photos, but this one takes the cake! I couldn't sleep tonight, so I had gotten up to see if there was anything inspiring on blogger. :) And there you were! This photo made me laugh out loud! I know that look :) And now I'm heading to bed lol

Janet said...

Oh, the things this cat could tell!

Stephanie said...

Awwww cute capture. Thanks for the smile.

Stephen said...

And, you've got a spiffy new telephoto zoom lens to play with.

TheChieftess said...

Great one to break the rules with!!! Definitely brought a smile to my face too!!!

RedPat said...

Nothing gets past him!

Stefan Jansson said...

There's a cat in the room as I'm typing this. She moved in a few years ago. I had no say in the matter.

Lily said...

good one!

Wayne said...

Thanks for the comments all.