Monday, 4 March 2013

Bizzaro World

March 3
Yesterday I took a walk by the river in New Westminster.
 Lately I'd noticed the odd bloom here and there but it was well underway over there.

March 3
I'm not smug about this 'West Coast Spring Thing'.
Winter comes back and bites us more often than not.

March 3


Andy said...

I'm amazed at the things in bloom. There's still snow on the ground here.
PS: The old car on my blog was photographed in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

s.c said...

Some great macro shots Wayne. Especially nr. 2 with the red bud on the gray underground.

travel ufo said...

Oh my god for secone one . thanks for the picture second one

Stephanie said...

Beautiful macros, Wayne! Finally see some blossoms on your trees. There are no blossoms yet on thr trees here in Comox.

Stefan Jansson said...

Some really fine spring photos here.

RedPat said...

I'm so jealous although I have seen some Aconite buds on the south side of some houses.

TheChieftess said...

I'm so jealous!!! Love the purple flowers!!! I miss spring!!!

Lynne with an e said...

Wayne, I'm really doing my best not to hate you right now...

Wayne said...

Don't worry Lynne, you may get the last laugh yet.

Thanks for all the comments.

Wayne said...

Don't worry Lynne, you may get the last laugh yet.

Thanks for all the comments.

Bob Crowe said...

Well, you do live in near-paradise, as some people see it. Our first daffodil is sticking up its head. The top picture is fabulous and, one might think, chemically enhanced.

Wayne said...

I can't speak for the gardeners Bob but I wasn't chemically enhanced when I took the shot. Whatever I did in Lightroom was pretty minor as I recall.

Virginia said...

Gorgeous images W. Well if winter comes back, you might have some nice snow on flowers shots!

Kate said...

The top photo makes my heart sing!