Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Space Cadet

Foggy Night
Last month in Seattle I was lucky enough to have a foggy night.
I'm easily entertained.


Andy said...

I'm glad you are easily entertained. This is a excellent shot Wayne. Very impressive.

Revrunner said...

Imagine that! Fog in Seattle. :-)

s.c said...

Wow great shot Wayne. What else is there to say.

Stephanie said...

Stunning, Wayne!

redstilettoviews said...

Very cool!

TheChieftess said...

Great shot Wayne!!!

Marleen said...

Excellent photo.

Hilda said...

Ooh, this is an fantastic shot!

CaT said...

oooh, very pretty!

Virginia said...

Well that knocks my socks off.

Wayne said...

Welcome home V.