Thursday, 21 February 2013

It was a dark and stormy night ...

Repeat Metering Prohibited
... in Victoria.
What kind of goof takes pictures of parking meters?


Andy said...

If the parking meters in my area were as colourful as this one, I would be one of those goofs.

Revrunner said...

Fantastic the way you captured the rain splattering! What great patience, especially when people might be watching you photographing a parking meter. :-)

s.c said...

Wait till the authorities goes over on the electronic models with paying by mobil or card then you will think with sadness on these ones.

Janet said...

These meters are pretty much antiques now, so you got a shot of history!

Barbara/myth maker said...

Nice bokeh and rain splatter. Love the colors, too.

RedPat said...

Cool shot, Wayne.

Wayne said...

No great patience involved, I took 3 shots and one had the splash. In Victoria they roll up the sidewalks after dark and even on a dry night there wouldn't be many people around.

Victoria seems to like it's meter maids (who seem to be mostly men) so I'm not sure they'll get rid of the coin meters soon.

Thanks for the comments.

Stephanie said...

It's a work of art this shot. Very nice composition.

Lynne with an e said...

And what kind of goof likes the resulting picture?
Your pal,
Goofy Lynne

TheChieftess said...

Love the raindrop splash!!! Well done!!! Much more charming than the new computerized, multiple space machines!!! (they still use meter maids though!!!)

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha ha. my kind of goof will.