Monday, 18 February 2013

A Shot In The Dark

It's not often I take a stab at shots like this.
Especially in January when it's -2ÂșC and the wind is blowing.
I'm not really into discomfort.


s.c said...

Great architectural shot here Wayne and the air is real clear of vapor thanks to the cold.

Revrunner said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean! Although it was not quite that cold outside yesterday when I shot some pics, the windchill factor was in the teens.

Stephanie said...

Nice night shot.

Lynne with an e said...

If -2 with the windchill factor is as bad as it gets, you don't know from discomfort. That, at this time of year out here, would be a balmy high! A "cool" shot, nevertheless.

RedPat said...

Such a cool shot! And such a clear night.

Taken For Granted said...

Great urban night shot. Thank you for this. It is perfectly warm while viewing your picture on my computer.

Wayne said...

Lynne, as you well know, it's the humidity that gets to you. :-)

Thanks for all the comments