Sunday, 6 January 2013


Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

Royal Hudson, 1975
The Royal Hudson did tourist trips between North Van and Squamish once upon a time.
This was a scenic jaunt if you happen to be seated on the water side of the train.
Somewhat less scenic if you're on the mountain side.
Of course I never actually made the train trip myself although I've driven the road lots.
The engine is on display in Squamish but is not certified to run at present.

North Vancouver, 1975
scanned from Kodachrome slide


Andy said...

I grew up in the transition period of steam to diesel. The steam engines always seemed to be more classy.

Stephanie said...

I do love trains! How did you scan your slide into the computer?

Stefan Jansson said...

A fine old photo/steam locomotive it is.

Wayne said...

Stephanie, I have an Epson flatbed scanner. I guess there are lots of scanners but this one works well. There are frames which keep the slides fixed in one spot. After the scan you have a digital file in the size you specify. It's a steep learning curve and I'm still learning.

Andy, my grandfather was an engineer for CN in Melville, Sask.

TheChieftess said...

Love the train! There's one like this that runs from Durango to Silverton in Colorado! I've heard that one direction is preferable to the other because of the steam pattern...but darned if I remember which way is best!!!

Anonymous said...

She's a beaut.

Taken For Granted said...

While steam engines are environmental disasters, I do love them. They are such a show of power from something so simple as fire and water. Great old photo.