Friday, 4 January 2013

Ringside Seat

Bill C-45 Protest
If your bus is stalled by a protest you might as well film the event.


Andy said...

At least he is making the best of it. So did you Wayne with another fine candid shot.

Kim said...

I'm coveting that lens more and more. This is SO good. I love the light on his face, the catch-light in his eye, his expression, the pose of his hand, even the rain on the bus window and that blur of a wall and window beyond. Quite a tasty street shot. Keep rockin' that lens. It's killer!

s.c said...

Nice portrait Wayne. Was you stalled also.

Unknown said...

Nice candid photo!

Stefan Jansson said...

It is a good candid portrait.

RedPat said...

Great shot! Happy New Year, Wayne.

TheChieftess said...

Great shot!!! So what lens is Kim gushing about??? You are getting some great shots lately...especially the lighting!!!

Wayne said...

I'm not so sure how candid it was. He would have to be pretty absorbed in what he was doing not to at least see me out of the corner of his eye.

Kathy, the lens I walk around with is a Nikon 85mm 1.8D.

TheChieftess said...

Wow...awesome lens!!!

Stephanie said...

Great shot! Agree with the light on his face.

Bob Crowe said...

Gorgeous light on his face and a winning expression. I'd like to crop off the bit of window on the right.