Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Christmas Tree Needle
So much for the trip to Seattle.
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Wish you a very happy New Year. A very peaceful picture to start the year, I like that. Great night shot, by the way.

Andy said...

Wayne recently you have been taking some interesting photos and this is one of them. Keep on clicking.

s.c said...

I like the shot and the alley one before. What more can I say.

Nellies said...

Beautiful photo Wayne. I especially love the light that shines on the building on the right.
Happy New Year.

TheChieftess said...

Ditto to Andy!!! Your photography just keeps getting better and better Wayne!!! Happy New Year!!!

Bill said...

nice photo. love the light on the building. Very moody!!

Stephanie said...

A very attractive image, nice lighting and love the look of this old building.

hamilton said...

Happy New Year!
This has the best of the older, softer light and the newer, glaring light.

Wayne said...

Thanks for the kind comments.