Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Devoted as I am to feeding this !@#*% blog I was out early yesterday.
We had a bit of snow overnight so I trekked over to the cemetery before breakfast.
By noon the snow was gone but it might be back by the time this post hits the interweb.
However that happens.


Valladolid Daily Photo said...

I must say that it was worth the early start, at least from my point of view.

Virginia said...

You are so devoted and sacrifice so much for this blog W. I love your friendly neighborhood cemetery, especially with snow. Nice place to visit but....


RedPat said...

Snow in Vancouver and not a flake here in TO. Crazy!

Wayne said...

Be patient Pat.

Yes Virginia, ... you wouldn't want to live there. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Who needs decorations when you've got a perfect Christmas tree with snow for decorations?!!!

Stephanie said...

Pretty sight.

Lynne with an e said...

Can you hear the rest of Canada trying not to snicker?

Wayne said...

The rest of Canada knows what they're in for Lyn. :-)

CaT said...

i want snow too!

Wayne said...

It's all gone now CaT. You've got a better chance of snow for Christmas in Boston I think.