Friday 23 November 2012

? One Photo ?

Unlike home, people in India are more likely to ask you to take their picture than shy away.
Or threaten to sue.
This young fellow was in a hurry but still asked for 'one photo?'.


Dianne said...

One photo ... and it's a beautiful capture.

"Adelaide and Beyond"

Taken For Granted said...

He looks like a great model. The camera loves him.

Stephanie said...

Really great capture!

travel ufo said...


Andy said...

With so many people asking, you must be having a ball.

Wayne said...

It's a real treat Andy.

Thanks for all the comments.

from Calcutta

Kate said...

I'm glad that yuu photographed him...a wonderful portrait.

TheChieftess said...

What a handsome boy and a great shot!!! The lighting on his skin is wonderful!!!