Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Star Weekly

Star Weekly
The Star Weekly was popular when I was a kid and long before that.
I had a delivery route briefly, about two weeks I think.
Knowing me, I quit because I didn't like going door to door to collect from customers.
It's a wonder I amounted to anything.


s.c said...

Wonderful the old american signs. Love them. Thanks for showing.

Andy said...

It's a neat looking old neon sign. I remember the Star Weekly from the 50's and 60's.

hamilton said...

cool sign.
the only reason I got the wagon I wanted was because I delivered the Star...

RedPat said...

I remember the Star Weekly too! Love this sign and this shot!

TheChieftess said...

Can't say that I remember the Star Weekly or ever hear of it....but I CAN say this photo is WELL DONE Wayne!!! I like how you cropped the composition...the contrast of the blue and orange (did you use a polarizer filter on your lens?)

Wayne said...

Kathy, Star Weekly was strictly Canadian, sorry. :-)

The image is pretty much right out of the camera I think.

Thanks for the comments.

Taken For Granted said...

That is a terrific neon sign. Having a paper route teaches kids all kinds of lessons. One of them is that work isn't all fun. Neon seems to be fading from the sign world.