Saturday 6 October 2012

Pink Piggies

Pink Piggies
I happened upon this herd in the middle of Robson St. by the art gallery.


Marleen said...

Lovely and colorful.

s.c said...

Perhaps it are all piggy banks waiting to be filled. Nice shot.

Stephanie said...

Splendid shot!

Anonymous said...

It's like a bad dream.

Wayne said...

Now that you mention it KB .......

RedPat said...

Wonderful! How cool is that?

hamilton said...

are they all running away from the market?

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! March of the piggies??? This little piggy went to market???

Great shot Wayne!!! Well executed!!! Love the yellow line love the bokeh background...the piggies actually have motion!!!

Andy said...

I agree with the Chieftess. Plus it give me my daily smile.

CaT said...

oh no! thats nice! i used to collect piglets, once... i still like them and the color pink...