Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Here On The ...

Arbutus View
... Left Coast we're happy to have the snow stay on the mountains.
Usually it does.


Andy said...

I guess it's the mountain but the the hi-rise portion of your photo looks like a miniature city. The last couple of winters here have been ones with with very light snow falls. Thanks to the Americans to the south they have been taking the brunt of storms that used to dump on us.

s.c said...

Nice composition and shot. I would have given the landscape a little more foreground I think but still a great view.

Paul in Powell River said...

Lots of snow on our picturesque views over the weekend also. The Comox Glacier is looking very pretty.

TheChieftess said...

Ahh shoot Wayne!!! Bragging again?!!! I guess our snow is still in the mountains too...it just so happens that that's where I am too!!!

RedPat said...

I hope it stays there all winter!

Stephanie said...

Our mountains here are covered in snow too.