Sunday, 14 October 2012

Eastern Gothic

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

On a Fall drive from Ottawa to the Maritimes I passed this place one foggy morning.
Don't ask me where it is.
I can narrow down the location to Eastern Canada and the date to the early 80s.

There is still a fair bit of grunge on the slide.
It will have to be scanned again.
One day ...


Andy said...

Looks like the Bates Motel from the movie Psycho.

s.c said...

Yes my idea also. A little creepy

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice place for a scary movie.

Stephanie said...

Yes, a great spot for a haunted house movie.

TheChieftess said...

Definitely the Bates Motel!!!

We're on the same wavelength today post title is "Bridgeport Gothic"!

Wayne said...

I noticed that Kathy

hamilton said...

It would be interesting to see what it looks like now. but it is a bit creepy looking in this view.

Chrissy Brand said...

Wonderfully sinister- I like your autumnal header too.

CaT said...

wow. very impressive.
could be a movie scene