Sunday, 21 October 2012

4 Queens

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

I would have to wade through a lot of slides to discover the date I took this picture.
Taking a shot in the dark (everybody groan), I'm going to guess ... about ...1973.

Las Vegas


Kim said...

Wow, Vegas in that era. . .I bet you've got some good historical shots of some long gone neon! Great night shot. Do you remember what camera you were you using for this?

s.c said...

The time that nobody thought about the electricity bill. Nice night shot.

Birdman said...

When it's about Vegas, dates don't count. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

classic vegas!

Stephanie said...

Nice one!

TheChieftess said...

I much prefer the Vegas of yesteryear (rat pack and all) to what it's become nowadays!!! Love this shot!!!

Wayne said...

Thanks for the comments folks.

Kim, I only have my memory to draw on. If I have the date right I think I'd have been using a Praktica, my first 35mm.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Love it, very colorful!