Saturday, 1 September 2012

Blue Moon

I took a walk along the Embarcadero last night.
As it happened it was a blue moon (aided along by Lightroom).
Friday was the day of Neil Armstrong's funeral.

I'm in San Francisco until Tuesday so there'll be more travel photos 


Andy said...

Here in Pickering the skies were so clear last night... just like your photo. It is interesting to note that Neil Armstrong pasted away around the same time as a blue moon.

Kate said...

I deliberately went outdoors last night to admire and to wink at the moon in Neil Armstrong's memory!!

Paul in Powell River said...

Great shot Wayne!One for the wall.

RedPat said...


Anonymous said...

Gee gosh golly.

Wayne said...

Thanks for the comments.

Shaun Keenan said...

Nice shot. Great to meet you a few minutes after you took this!

TheChieftess said...

Wow!!! This is a keeper!!! Love this shot and whatever you did in LR!!! Well done!