Saturday, 4 August 2012

Orcas In The City

Sunrise Soya Foods Mural
Yesterday I attended the unveiling of Todd Polich's latest mural,
The walls were donated by the owners of Sunrise Soya Foods on Powell St.
Anyone curious can view more photos in the flickr set.
Todd, founder of Earth Foundation, designed the street banners as well.


Andy said...

I viewed your collection on Flickr. You must have spent a lot of time photographing the project.

s.c said...

Nice shot and great colors.

Wayne said...

Andy, by chance I was there on day one. I was by several times in the interval but the photos were all taken yesterday.

s.c., Vancouver can use all the colour it can get. There is far too much beige and grey throughout the city.

TheChieftess said...

Sooo glad Blogger found your site again!!!

I like this shot're getting pretty darned good at architectural photography Wayne!!!

Laurie Allee said...

I agree with the Chieftess about your talent for architectural subjects. LOVE these shots.

What a cool project. Funny, I think of Vancouver as colorful. Then again, I drank a lot of wine when I was there. :-)