Sunday, 12 August 2012

Dr. Teeth

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

In case it's not clear in this photo this is a dentist's office.
The fellow in the baseball cap is the dentist, naturally.

Lhasa, Tibet,1986


Valladolid Daily Photo said...

I guess if you have not known anything else, do not seem weird. But for me (and I'm sure many people) would be very difficult to go to the dentist with those few hygienic conditions.

It´s a great idea to rescue your ancient photos, scan them and post on the blog.

s.c said...

I am wondering of you still find a dentist in Turkey with a practice what you are showing here. I know that a lot of people from Holland nowadays fly to Turkey to take complete false teeth in one go because it is much cheaper than in their own country. including a week stay in a hotel.

RedPat said...

Scary stuff! ;-((

Laurie Allee said...


Andy said...

Your photo just made me feel very happy that I live in Canada.

Taken For Granted said...

I'll bet this Tibetan dentist mostly did extractions. When we were in China for six months we were lucky to find a Canadian dentist to do some repair. He was there teaching, and took my wife as a patient as a favor.

Kate said...

I'll stick with my own dentist, thank you!

CaT said...
