Sunday 8 July 2012

Pet Pelican

Sunday Feature - Another Place, Another Time

I'm a bit vague on the location. 
I think this image was taken at the Marble Palace.
These were some of the folks who worked there and their pet pelican.

Calcutta, 1986
scanned from slide


s.c said...

Lovely photo. Didn't know they had pelicans there to.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

A curious and original picture. 1986, I assume that the photo is scanned from the original, right?

Nellies said...

That's something you don't see everyday. (At least I don't). Nice photo.

Taken For Granted said...

Interesting and exotic photo. Who keeps a pet pelican? Must have been a fascinating journey.

Wayne said...

I think there might have been a small zoo on the property, the pelican was likely part of the zoo but is clearly comfortable around people.

Yes, these images are scanned from slides.

CaT said...

what a place...
i saw pelicans being comfortable around people in florida! when we did this airboat tour they would just hop on at the front and sail along (ofcourse, on other people's boat, not on ours... perhaps because it was me and tim in the front... :( )

TheChieftess said...

Are you scanning these yourself Wayne?? And if so...are you taking the slides out of the little cardboard slide frame???

I've thought about scanning my old slides from my first trip to Europe...from way back!!!

RedPat said...

Wonderful contrast in this shot!

Wayne said...

Kathy, I have an Epson scanner. It scans slides, negs, photos, etc. It isn't necessary to remove the slide from the mount. The scanner I use can scan 12 slides at a time. If you have thousands of slides that still takes forever :-) If you do decide to take on that project wait until winter.

Thanks for the comments.

Bob Crowe said...

Love this. In most of India you would expect a cow or monkeys.

There is something very mutant-looking about that bird's head.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A most unusual, captivating street scene! Love that pelican, so unlike our black and white Australian ones!

TheChieftess said...

Thanks Wayne! Sounds like a good snow day project!!!