Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Seen in a neighbourhood garden.


Kate said...

Photographed beautifully..very artistic.

Andy said...

Excellent background to bring out the best in the flower.

TheChieftess said...

Lovely!!! The dappled light and the horizontal lines in the background really add interest...wonderfully simple and elegant shot...

Nellies said...

BEautiful! Love the shades in the background.

PinkPanthress said...

I am going to bookmark this one, my new Fave for sure.

P.S.: You really should put some sharing gadgets in your blog, it would be nice to post entries of yours like this one to twitter, tumblr & such without a lot of fuss. :)

Wayne said...

Nokta, I'm glad you like the shot.

I'm about as tech savvy as I want to be. I don't have a Twitter, FB or tumblr account which probably means I can't use their gadgets.