Saturday, 9 June 2012

Then And Now

German Engineering, Past and Present
In flickr I titled this 'German Engineering, Then And Now'.
Someone commented that the Smart Car was French.
Maybe that's what they teach French kids in school.


Andy said...

Perfect composure.

s.c said...

An icon of its time and with this red color it jumps of your screen. Nice one Wayne.

smudgeon said...

i pick the one on the right - true classic! nice contrast.

RedPat said...

Cool shot, Wayne!

Deb said...

I used to have the use of a red VW beetle, we called him Scorch. Nearest I had to a smart car was a Swatch watch! Nice capture.

Paul in Powell River said...

I also prefer the one in front. It just looks so much better.

Kate said...

Oh, how I loved my VW "fu fu!"--wish I still had it but it slowly rusted to death.

TheChieftess said...

I learned how to drive on a 61 was a fun went to college with me and stayed until I was married and moving up to more contemporary with a gas guage!!!

I think it rusted to death too Kate...

Virginia said...

Well Mr. Smarty Pants who would argue with you about cars of any kind!

CaT said...

then everything looked so much nicer. especially cars and buildings, dont you think.
i often wonder, but i cannot imagine, whether 100 years from now people will think the same about our stuff now, compared to their stuff....