Saturday, 16 June 2012


Stealth Aston Martin
It's not every day you see an Aston Martin on Vancouver streets.
I've never seen one painted flat black.
I can only assume he's saving up to have flames painted on the hood and fenders.


Kate said...

Your stealth photos are terrific and interesting since they are so varied. I'd like to drive (or own) that Aston Martin.

TheChieftess said...

Interesting capture! I've never seen a flat black Aston Martin either!!! But then again, I don't often see an Aston Martin of any kind!!! Even in the land of Glitz and Glamour!!!

Paul in Powell River said...

Does sort of spruce up the surroundings doesn't it! I've never seen one up here, go figure.

CaT said...

i like that black!
hope you told him not to do the flames...